Remember Technorati Ranks? Neither do I. However, a few years ago when blogging became popular, it was hot property. Nowadays, it doesn’t seem to have the kind of influence it once had. Like Technorati, several brands have attempted to become the gold standard in measuring online influence – Alexa for example. But no single brand can claim to be the authority in measuring one’s influence in the online space. Even with niche spaces like advertising…

How much TV is too much TV for kids? What kind of programmes should they be allowed to watch? The CBeebies kind or the Chchota Bheem kind? Such questions have plagued urban parents for years. Yet most of us treat the TV as a baby sitter or a temporary reprieve from kids and their attention-seeking ways. Personally speaking, I attempt to control my daughter’s TV watching habits (but fail miserably, I guess) by restricting her to stuff…