


The adage ‘ninety percent of everything is crap’ coined by Theodore Sturgeon an American science fiction author is relevant in the context of advertising where a majority of campaigns go unnoticed. Among the handful of great marketing campaigns which get noticed, recalled and loved there are even fewer number which stand the test of time. I wrote about one such campaign – ‘Live richly’ from Citi a while ago. Another brand which deserves accolades and…

‘Oh, brilliant advertising, how I miss you so’ is an inspirational series of posts on LinkedIn, curated by Gregg Benedikt, a Creative Director/Copywriter. Over there, I stumbled upon a hoarding as part of a famous campaign from Citibank, ‘Live Richly’, created in the early 2000s. It triggered a thought to attempt a series of posts on great campaigns from the past (aside from my weekly compilations) – gleaned from my memories and reading up on…