
Close-Up: closer the better, but on TV

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Closeup’s new TVC is on air in India. The jingle for the commercial has a haunting quality about it – the kind of stuff you keep humming long after you’ve seen the film. Does the film have an idea? Well, iffy. It’s the old time-tested boy meets girl story but the execution, combined with the jingle makes it highly watchable.

Some youth brands really try too hard to ‘connect’ with the youth and in the bargain produce something that may be high on wackiness quotient. This one stands out perhaps its all a bit understated and subdued. One grouse though: the Close Up website has nothing to do with what’s on air. And still talks about ‘Kya aap Close-Up karte hain?’ – the previous campaign (quite like the BCCI website fiasco). A pity really, being a youth brand and all that. A lot more could have been done with ‘Closer the better’ thought on the net, a la the Mentos KissCam. And this is a reflection of what’s priority for all of us in the agency business: the 30-sec TV spot!

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