
British Army, Pizza Hut and more: creative ads of the week

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The past week wasn’t one of rich pickings when it comes to spotting creative ideas. Of the lot, the ones which caught my eye include a recruitment campaign for British Army, a TV spot for Pizza Hut and a few more.

British Army : recruitment

Millennials seem to be the favourite target segment among marketers the world over. The group evokes a few stereotypical imageries of behaviour and have been a sought after group for a diverse set of product categories. In this context it was ‘different’ to see a recruitment campaign for the British Army targeting this group. The print ads seem like some sort of tribute to the famous First World War recruitment poster from UK. They present what is seemingly negative about the millennials as a positive.

Agency: Karmarama

The TVCs take the idea forward visually by juxtaposing their ‘talent’ with a scenarios of conflict.

Pizza Hut: Delivery

In the QSR business, ‘delivering’ has connotations beyond physical delivery of a pizza I guess. A new TV spot covers all the ways in which the brand delivers including a rewards scheme. The subtle reference to the competition brand Domino’s was clever.

Agency: Iris

Apple outdoor: Las Vegas

The annual tech show CES is set to attract traffic and worldwide attention again. Apple has never participated in the show officially. This year, they have created a billboard at the venue of CES which takes a dig at competition like Google with respect to user privacy. The billboard highlights Apple’s privacy page which outlines the various ways in which “Apple products are designed to protect your privacy”. The line is a twist of the famous saying ‘what happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas’.

Which one was your favourite? Any notable campaigns I missed? Do comment in.

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