
Billboard which illuminates a road, a one ton dog and more: creative ads of the week

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A billboard which illuminates the road, a TVC for Skoda which highlights road safety and other creative ads are part of my weekly picks for week ending March 15th, 2019.

La Caja: billboards

We live in an age where brands are not merely expected to claim something but actually act upon them. Such acts take the form of products themselves (remember Nike FuelBand?), integrated campaigns like ‘Thank you, Mom’ and more. A car insurance firm in Argentina, La Caja has created a billboard which illuminates dark roads. Instead of merely stopping at urging drivers to drive safe (which could have been a regular road safety campaign), La Caja worked with the National Road Safety Organisation, identified the most dangerous roads and figured out the best way to illuminate them.

Agency: TBWA\Buenos Aires, Argentina

The feel-good factor arising out of the utility value of the advertisement is likely to create affinity towards the brand. In a cluttered market with little differentiation that’s an advantage.

Skoda: Doug the dog

An unwritten rule of advertising is that if a TV commercial does not evoke viewer interest within the first few seconds it is most likely to be skipped. The sight of a giant dog within the first few seconds of the TVC creates intrigue, makes you want to see the idea behind it and when the penny drops, the message gets home loud and clear.

Agency: Rosapark

Apple: privacy on the iPhone

Unlike its competition, Apple does not intend to make money by selling user information to advertisers. The company takes matters of privacy seriously and believes it is a fundamental human right. They even put up a billboard in Las Vegas this year to highlight it. A new TVC brings the proposition alive with a simple idea: if privacy matters in your life, it should matter to the phone your life is on. Loved the small touches like the lock icon morphing into the Apple logo.

Febreze: music album

What does an air-freshener brand got to do with a music album of its own? In 2019, a lot. It all started the brand creating catchy jingles for its radio ads. The songs became so popular that people took to social media to ask for more. So the brand created an album of eight songs, centred around freshness. Loved the idea.

The album covers include design elements like ‘Freshness Advisory’ akin to the ‘Parental Advisory’ seen in many music albums.

Aldi: tea time take down

How do you attempt to solve the problem of children addicted to gaming and thus giving up on family time? Aldi, the super market brand in the UK has created the ‘Teatime Takedown’ campaign, where professional gamers defeat kids so that they (the kids, not the gamers) give up and join the family at the dinner table. The idea is cute but there are several hoops to jump for parents (signing up through Facebook, entering their kids’ gamer ID etc.). The gaming community too is not too thrilled with the campaign.

Agency: McCann, UK

Canon: ABC ColorBlind Book

To help identify colour blindness among children in Brazil, Canon created the ‘ABC Colour Blind Book’ uses the test print feature of its Mega Tank printer to run a colour blindness test. Clever stuff.

Agency: Dentsu, São Paulo

Blood donation: outdoor

A simple yet effective idea to drive home the message for blood donation in London using the iconic double decker bus and the telephone booth.

Via: AdTeachings

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